What inspires me to Travel

What inspires me to Travel

Some people travel to relax, meditate and others travel for the inspiration. For some people traveling means going to a new city, experiencing new things learning a new language. For me, travelling has always been a form of Education. It gives you People, Real Relationships, Stories, Memories, Adventures, Dreams, Unforgettable Experiences and so much more. As long as you feel fulfilment in traveling, there is no right or wrong reason to travel. Traveling is like an art, you are concentrating on the world and all it has to offer. Through traveling I have overcome grief, stress and depression. Travelling is constantly teaching me that life isn’t just working and retiring, it is meant to be lived, to be felt and experienced.

Smiling Faces of Shanghai
Smiling Faces of Shanghai

For me travelling is not just about having a good time but it’s about feeling free, facing my fears and overcoming challenges. But what mainly inspires me to travel is that I want to live life.  I want to experience everywhere. I want to look back at my life and know that I experienced everything that I could, that I took every opportunity and, to quote Frank Sinatra, that I did it my way.

What inspires me to Travel
Longhua Temple

When I travel I constantly learn –

  1. Adaptability as you need to adapt to all the sudden challenges a new country brings. Every day traveling brings a new set of issues and opportunities. The way you handle those also gives you insight into who you are. 
  2. How to socialize, how to connect with strangers and people you have nothing in common with.
  3. Experience what different foods from different cultures of countries taste like. Eating new food is exciting but can also be a challenge in some countries. I have learned to adapt and not be picky about my food anymore.
  4. Learn Languages as you pick up words in different countries that help you navigate the strange places you explore.
  5. To respect other cultures and traditions, even if you don’t fully understand them.
  6. You experience the good and bad that this world or each country has to offer and learn to trust your own instincts.
  7. Learn about the History of other countries, not just by reading about it but by witnessing it. When you visit a monument, you learn about its past, its significance in the country’s history.
  8. You expand your mind and own personal world through exposure to other cultures, countries and people. You realize that there’s no one way to live life. Meeting people from other places will show you that your world view isn’t the same as everyone else’s.
  9. Learn Moral responsibilities. You learn to respect nature and its beauty. It makes you aware of your social and moral responsibilities.
  10. You learn to respect people, their culture and diversity. It teaches you the true meaning of the words  “unity in diversity”

I love going solo whenever it comes to travelling or moving to another country, going to local areas, tasting food, talking to local people whether small or old, and enjoying the new culture. This way I am constantly learning and experiencing what this world has to offer.

What inspires me to Travel
To learn more about the Bund I went on the Shanghai Free Walking tour!!

Everyone travels for a different reason. What is yours?


  1. We love your reasons for travelling! For us, to see a new country for the first time and taste their food – that’s happy times!
    For now with Covid restrictions … well, we travel around South Africa (where possible) … we’ve realised there are many places at home we still want to see.
    Good luck to you, we hope to read more on your blog of all the wonderful places you have visited over the years!


  2. A mix of things for me – exploration/curiosity about a particular place, escapism (especially in the winter months for some sunshine and hot weather), relaxation and sometimes just wanting to feel like I’mm making ‘good use’ of my time off work – it varies 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I travel for most of the same reasons you do — I just want to experience life. So, I’m willing (well, most of the time) to try new foods, hike new pathways, and meet new people just for the experience of doing so. Thanks for this timely post. I miss travel right now, and I’ll bet most of us with travel blogs feel the same way. Wishing you all the best. Rusha

    Liked by 3 people

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