Spring in the Company's Garden

Spring in the Company’s Garden, the Green Heart of Cape Town

The Company’s Garden is like the Green Heart of Cape Town and on the first sunny days of spring this is where most people spent their days. Not wanting to miss out on the first warm day of spring I also headed out to the Gardens.

Spring in the Company's Garden
Spring in the Company’s Garden

This Garden was formally established in 1652 by Dutch settlers to service and re-provision the company’s spice-trading sail ships. As Cape Town grew the Garden expanded becoming famous for its plants which were increasingly exported. The garden was left to fall into neglect at some time but today they take very good care of it and it is a very pleasant park to spent a sunny afternoon.

Spring in the Company's Garden
Spring in the Company’s Garden

This Garden is a place where you can sit en relax, watch passers-by, feed the squirrels and appreciate the joys of nature right in the middle of the bustling city. I have had loads of fun feeding the little crazy squirrels and even fed the pigeons here the other afternoon.

I love spending some time exploring the Company’s Garden, it is a great break from city life. Luckily access to this public park, which contains a rose garden, fish pond, aviary and tea garden, is free, so there is no excuse for not making use of this space. For a public space in the middle of the city it very clean and well kept.

The tree-lined paths are the ideal place to relax while enjoying  the more than 8 000 species of plants contained here. I was more focused on the butterflies and ducks than the plants actually.


  1. You know my thoughts on this lovely garden – I love the jasmine photos, could almost smell that perfume, we had it growing in our courtyard – and what a pretty butterfly. I wonder if they still sell off some of the carp each year?


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