West Acre Garden in Norfolk

The beautiful West Acre Garden in Norfolk

I think that a walk through a beautiful flower filled garden has the same kind of therapy as a day off. While visiting my Parents in England I am getting to explore some of the beautiful gardens the countryside has to offer. The two of us spent a whole afternoon walking around West Acre Gardens in Norfolk. It is in a lovely old walled garden where the plants are well cared for and even labelled in most places. Unfortunately England has been having a very hot and unusually dry summer so far and you can see that the plants are suffering.

You enter the garden through an overgrown gate, I felt like I was entering a secret garden. Many of the original features of the garden still grace it with a sense of timelessness. I spend most of my afternoon trying to capture the bumblebees on the different flowers. It was quite disturbing that there were not a lot of butterflies in the garden. I am seeing a lot less butterflies in the UK this year compared to previous visits.

The garden has a variety of shrubs and trees, grasses and bamboos, and beautiful brightly coloured flowers. The gardens are planted to give ideas and inspiration to gardeners working with all types of garden conditions, from hot and dry to shady and everything in between. After a walk through the garden you can always visit the beautiful nursery and buy some of the plants that caught your eye.

Which other garden in Norfolk or Cambridgeshire would you recommend for a visit?


  1. I can definitely agree with you that gardens soothe the soul. As for the lack of butterflies, I suspect the harsh spring weather had a dire affect on the population. I am not seeing as many down here either. Norfolk has some great gardens. Blickling Hall and Felbrigg Hall are lovely and there is one in East Rushton. Have you parents moved to the UK then Janaline? I thought they were in Stellenbosh or near there?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, nothing like a walk through a beautiful garden for cheering oneself up. The Norfolk garden looks good despite the lack of rain.

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  3. I gather Norfolk has been really scorched, Janaline. I keep meaning to drop my family down there a line. 🙂 🙂 We’re in the middle of a lovely thunderstorm at the minute and our first proper rain in a while. I enjoyed your garden tour.

    Liked by 2 people

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