Letting us all taste her home-made snake wine!

Ancient Qing Dynasty house in Yangshuo countryside

Mom with the owner oif this old mansion!
Mom with the owner oif this old mansion!
One of the highlights of our cycling tour!!
One of the highlights of our cycling tour!!

If you are going to Yangshuo, you should definitely do a cycling tour through the breathtaking countryside. While on our cycling tour we all enjoyed the beautiful natural scenery and the fresh air. Its also the best way to learn about the life style of the local people and see what their residential houses look like. 

The whole valley of the Dragon River is amazing. The mountains, the fields, everything is so lush and green. About 8 kilometers from Yangshuo is the village of Jiuxian. Here with the mountains as a backdrop there is a whole set of old mansions and Qing Dynasty buildings around 300 years old.

The owners are the descendants of the original families
The owners are the descendants of the original families
Playing around with one of their swords
Playing around with one of their swords

The ancient villages and Karst limestone hills in Yangshuo attract thousands of travelers at home and abroad. In the villages, there are some well preserved big houses and mansions of wealthy families in the past. Many of them are well preserved and the descendants of the families are still living in them.

We were shown around one of these old mansions by the lovely owners. It was such an interesting and amazing experience, hearing about their family history and even learning a bit about the wonderful Chinese culture. 

Inside the mansion
Inside the mansion
Letting us all taste her home-made snake wine!
Letting us all taste her home-made snake wine!
Are you brave enough to drink this snake wine?
Are you brave enough to drink this snake wine?
Looking out over the small courtyard
Looking out over the small courtyard

The small courtyard of this majestic building was filled with beautiful details of their country lifestyle. It s a pity that some of the house are turning into runes but there are still lots in good condition that are definitely worth a visit. 

This peaceful countryside journey is the perfect escape from the boisterous urban cities of China. To cycle through the breathtaking scenery of Yangshuo should definitely be on everyone’s must-visit lists.

Lady sitting outside the house selling some souveniers.
Lady sitting outside the house selling some souveniers.
Some of the guys from our fabulous China Oddysey
Some of the guys from our fabulous China Oddysey


  1. I think I would have passed on the snake wine, too. BUT – here in the U.S. they make a blood thinner – which I take – that is from the snake venom. I must have some medicinal healing. The people who live these old cultures have primitive healing medicines.
    Your photos are fantastic. The one with the woman with the hat is my favorite. Her face shows a tremendous amount of life lived.


  2. Great pictures! I would love to visit a village like this and see the rural life. I got a small taste of it wandering through the hutongs in Beijing. But I can definitely say NO WAY would I drink snake wine. In fact, I almost fainted just looking at your picture of the snakes. 😦


    • The snake wine is seen as a huge aphrodisiac….I first came across it in Vietnam years ago and it amazes me that people actually think this works. It is quite disgusting and disturbing all at the same time.


  3. Stunning shots as usual Jana and you would make a great Samurai indeed! Love the photo’s and your mom is just as gorgeous as you are. 😀
    I think I will pass on the snake wine thank you. The poor snakes! Looks like there have centipedes in there as well. A good thing I wasn’t there. 😆 They wouldn’t have been very impressed with me as I love snakes and bugs but it’s fascinating to see how many of them still live in the ‘old ways’ and according to their traditions. Thanks for sharing these beautiful and interesting posts hon. Love it! 😀 *hugs*


    • Thanks for that beautiful compliment Sonel, will definitely be passing it along to my mom. These different animals and bugs vermented in wine is quite disturbing so I couldnt get myself to even taste the wine. The most disturbing one I found was of a little bear cub…I just posted the photo for wordless wednesday.


      • You are very welcome Jana and I bet it was, especially because we’re not used to that kind of ‘tradition’. Makes me think some of them are a bit ‘disturbed’. Thanks, I will take a look. 😀


    • Wow, I have never heard of tiger wine before. I have seen snake wine and even wine with a little bear cub in…just posted that photo. All these different animals vermented in wine is quite unsettling and upsetting for me so I couldnt get myself to actually taste the snake wine….


      • I don’t blame you for not tasting it. I heard of tiger wine from a documentary about tiger harvesting and how the Chinese believes it has ‘magical’ properties for health & wellness. It’s supposed to be illegal but apparently it’s a pretty big black market. I think I’ll stick to fruit wine! haha!


  4. That’s amazing that the same descendants are still living in the same houses. Looks like you were able to really visit with the local people. What a great experience! How was the snake wine?


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