Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Disturbing Image from Vietnam

“I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center.”  — Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
A vermented bear I found in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

This is definitely one of the most disturbing things I have come across during my travels.

What was your most disturbing moment?


  1. I grew up in Ho Chi Minh City and my dad has a lot of big bottles like this with all the weird things inside. I really hate to see them (animals liquor) but most of the guys in Asia would admire these stuff. And I still don’t understand why they like to have a collection like this

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  2. IMHO, raising snakes (or any animals) in farm, then putting them into strong-alcohol is acceptable, because people are doing the same thing on chickens, pigs, cows, and even horses to make meat all over the world.
    But making drink from wild-life snakes (as any other wild-life mammals) is not acceptable, because this is how our the environment is destroy.

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  3. I am totallly stumped Jana! How these people can get it over their hearts to do this to any animal is beyond me…really! But thanks for sharing hon. It’s quite fascinating to see these different cultures and what they eat, althought it’s disturbing. As I’ve learned in life it’s of no use getting upset about these things. This is how these people were raised and their beliefs. Makes me glad and grateful that we aren’t like this. 😀

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  4. Umm . . .huh . . . that is certainly not what I would want for dinner. But then there are some things we eat in the US that others in the world might find disturbing. Rocky Mountain Oysters come to mind. Great WW post. I’ll have to try to join in!

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  5. This definitely doesn’t need words. Wow. And thanks for letting me know about Wordless Wednesday! I’m joining! Is there any special site to post it on or do I just tag my post Wordless Wednesday?

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