Monday Walk in Minhang Sports Park

“I love taking walks in the park by myself, where no one can bother me, my mind can wander, and I can think about anything and everything that pops into my head.”

“It’s very important to take care of yourself. Everyone’s lives are so busy. Take at least an hour a day to recharge and do whatever makes you better. For grown-ups, whether it’s a spa, sitting in a park with a book, or coffee, take time for yourself.” – Ana Ivanovic

This summer my “recharge time” has been an hour spent each morning exploring one of the beautiful parks in Minhang, Shanghai. This beautiful park, Minhang Sports Part is right next to the apartment block where I now live and the perfect place for an early morning or even an evening walk. This was my first morning exploring this park and I fell in love with it.


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